By using “https://” (hereinafter referred to as “this site”), users are deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions stated below.
1. Googleのサービスの利用について
Use of Google Services
This site uses the following Google services:
1.1 Googleアナリティクス
Google Analytics
This site uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. Traffic data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals.
1.2 Googleによるデータ使用
Data Usage by Google
Google のサービスを使用することで、サイト、アプリ、メールマガジンなどのプロパティで、データの収集、共有、利用について明確に開示するプライバシー ポリシーを掲載し、遵守いたします。
By using Google services, we publish and comply with a privacy policy that clearly discloses the collection, sharing, and use of data across properties including sites, apps, and email newsletters.
2. 収集する個人情報とその目的
Personal Information Collection and Purpose
2.1 コメント機能について
About Comment Function
When leaving comments on this site, we may collect the following information:
- お名前
Name - メールアドレス
Email address - IPアドレス
IP address - ブラウザーユーザーエージェント文字列
Browser user agent string
This information is used for spam detection and management purposes.
2.2 お問い合わせフォーム
Contact Form
When contacting us through this site, you may be asked to provide personal information such as your name and email address. This information will only be used to respond to your inquiries and provide necessary information.
3. Cookieについて
About Cookies
This site uses cookies for the following purposes:
- コメント投稿者の情報保存(有効期間:10年)
Storing commenter information (Valid for: 10 years) - ログイン情報の保持(有効期間:10日間)
Maintaining login information (Valid for: 10 days) - 画面表示設定の保存(有効期間:1年)
Saving display settings (Valid for: 1 year)
4. メディアについて
About Media
当サイトに画像をアップロードする際、位置情報(EXIF GPS)を含む画像をアップロードするべきではありません。サイトの訪問者は、当サイトから画像をダウンロードして位置データを抽出することができます。
When uploading images to this site, you should not upload images containing location information (EXIF GPS). Site visitors can download images from this site and extract location data.
5. 他サイトからの埋め込みコンテンツ
Embedded Content from Other Sites
Articles on this site may include embedded content (videos, images, posts, etc.). Embedded content from other sites behaves exactly as if the visitor had visited the other site.
6. 免責事項
We take no responsibility for any information or services provided on sites accessed through links or banners from this site. While we strive to provide accurate information in our site content, we do not guarantee its accuracy or safety.
7. 著作権
Unauthorized reproduction of text, images, and other content published on this site is prohibited. This site is not intended to infringe on copyrights or portrait rights.
8. リンクについて
About Links
This site is basically link-free. No permission or contact is required when linking to this site. However, please refrain from using inline frames or direct image links.
9. 連絡先情報
Contact Information
If you request disclosure, correction, or suspension of use, we will respond according to our established procedures.
Contact: Contact page (CONTACT)
10. プライバシーポリシーの変更
Privacy Policy Changes
This blog complies with Japanese laws applicable to personal information and strives to improve by reviewing this privacy policy as appropriate.
The latest revised privacy policy will always be disclosed on this page.
Established: January 1, 2025
Revised: January 20, 2025